PHHD COAT FILMS PRODUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED having CIN U90009HR2024PTC118761 is 2 days old Private company incorporated with MCA on 10th February, 2024. PHHD COAT FILMS PRODUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED is listed in the class of Private company and classified as Non-govt company. This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Delhi with an Authorized Share Capital of ₹15,00,000 and paid-up capital is ₹1,00,000.

The company has 3 directors/key management personal CHANDER PALSUSMITA DEYPREM HARI HIMDEVPHHD COAT FILMS PRODUCTION PVT LTD company registration number is 118761 and its Corporate Identification Number(CIN) provided from MCA is U90009HR2024PTC118761.
As per MCA records PHHD COAT FILMS PRODUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED is involved in activities such as Creative, arts and entertainment activities.


In the next 12 month we are looking forward to opening approximately 50 theaters all over India, so that we can bring talent of the artists of every corner from India. It will be one of the most cherishing experiences to uplift the talents of India.

Our motto is to provide a platform and honor to all such talented persons from every corner of the world. We are proud to give the platform and pay an honor to children & elders who do such a wonderful act to show the nation something different. We will continue our honor journey for such talents.


Our organization values creativity and innovation in all aspects of art and artists. We believe in offering programs and performances that are inclusive and engaging, that reflect the diversity of our greater geographic region and our immediate locale in order to have a meaningful impact on our community. 

Our organization aspires to transform young audiences into creative, curious and compassionate adults who have a lifelong passion for the arts.


Company StatusActive
Registration Number118761
Date of Incorporation10th February, 2024
Company Age2 days
Authorized Capital₹15,00,000
Paid-up capital₹1,00,000
Company CategoryCompany limited by Shares
Company Sub-CategoryNon-govt company