Best Magician in Delhi India

An Internationally Acclaimed Magician C P Yadav is the Best Stuntman Magician and Best Illusionist Magician in India.

An Internationally Acclaimed Magician C P Yadav who is India's Got Talent performer continually redefines the art of magic through his work as a performer. He has the best magician to perform illusions entirely of his own design.
An Internationally Acclaimed Magician C P Yadav after having performed in dozen countries and having staged his most dangerous “FIRE ESCAPE” item in ‘India’s Got Talent’ TV show on COLORS CHANNEL and his overseas exposure has given a touch of elegance to his Magic presentation and performance. Viewers watch his Dare-Devil (life risking) performances like “Fire Escape”, “Under Water Escape” with awe and wonder magic act. Magician Dr C P Yadav along with his team members has organized numerous performances in India & Abroad. According to Magician Dr C P Yadav, taking risks in life makes life worth living.